25 December 2011

Anarchy Panty Cosplay by Ami

Anarchy Panty [Angel Version] Cosplay by Ami
Anarchy Panty [Angel Version] Cosplay by Ami
Anarchy Panty [Angel Version] Cosplay by Ami, Boxers Cosplay by Takumi
Anarchy Panty [Angel Version] Cosplay by Ami
Cosplayers: Ami and Takumi
Event: Christmas Toycon

Deviations: http://z3llll.deviantart.com/art/Anarchy-Panty-274553345

Judge Gabranth Cosplay by AC Hernandez

Final Fantasy XII: Judge Gabranth Cosplay by AC Hernandez

Final Fantasy XII: Judge Gabranth Cosplay by AC Hernandez

"Silence! All was stripped from me. Only hatred for the brother who fled our homeland remains mine!"
— Judge Gabranth
Cosplayer: AC Hernandez
Event: Cosplaymania 2011

As featured in: http://kotaku.com/5848148/the-queens-of-cosplay-from-the-king-of-fighters-final-fantasy-and-more